Whatta Week

by cnorthcote

It is officially the weekend!  Wow!  It was  a loooonnngggg week (despite only be four days) but I made it through.  The first marking period is officially over.  Can you believe it?  I am one sixth of the way through the year!  I’m still in awe but so thrilled!  Here are this weeks highs and lows…let’s just say this week was an adventure


  • I made it through the first marking period!  Hallelujah!
  • I got a new phone!  See lows for why this was necessary…
  • I get to go to Pennsylvania tomorrow to see Nana and Zane!
  • I used the word “wavy” in a sentence today and my kids died of laughter.  It was such a fun moment!  By the way, wavy means cool.  I will provide you with a vocab lesson soon…I have definitely had a few vocab lessons of my own this year.
  • Music.  Listening to my iPod nano on the train was so relaxing for me this week and bringing music into my classroom seems to be working well.  Plus it stops my table of boys who love to rap from doing so.  This results in a happy teacher and fewer curse words in room 727.
  • I met my field observer from Fordham and he is fabulous and so nice.  I am excited to start working with him.
  • I used my MetroCard six times today.  It makes me feel like I’m winning a battle against MTA in getting all I can out of my monthly card.  Pathetic…I know.


  • My phone.  It fell out of my sweater pocket and into the toilet at school on Tuesday.  That was the end of that…such a sad ending to our relationship.
  • This week felt like the longest week ever.  I have no idea why but it was a tough one.
  • My grad school class is so dull.  SO dull.
  • Grades are due…blahhh.
  • My freshman are getting comfortable in high school aka more willing to be crazy in class.  Did I mention I teach a class of only freshman boys during the last period of everyday?…it is a challenge.

Can’t wait to share more about my trip to Pennsylvania!  Have a great weekend and GO DUCKS!  College game day will be in Eugene this weekend 🙂